Whether your company issues credit cards or you run customer loyalty program, you need correctly adjusted Card Management System (CMS). The only way how to reach this target is by having CMS fully optimized to needs of your company.
Infinity Consulting is greatly experienced in working with all the most used CMS platforms in Central Europe: Bank Works, Tim Back, Evolan, Cyclid, StarCARD or FlexCUBE.
- “As-is” analysis of CMS (Card management system)
- Design of CMS Optimization
- Evaluation of existing contract with current vendors
- Documentation for RFI / RFP
- Analysis of card security elements and proposal of potential improvements
- Evaluation of authorization standards (On-line / Stan- in)
- Case study of implementation of new products and its effect on present products
- Mathematic model of “As-is” / “To- be” status
- Analysis of marketing communication